duminică, 26 octombrie 2008

Awarding Ceremony - Jetix 2008

Panik won Coolest Live Act at the Jetix 2008 Awards.
Yesterday was the Awarding Ceremony, and they received their fabulous trophy.

TV broadcasting:

Fr. 14.11. um 16 Uhr,
Sa. 15.11. um 08:30 Uhr,
So. 16.11. um 18:30 Uhr
Mo. 17.11. um 13:20 Uhr

iMusic 1:
Samstag, 22.11.08. um 19:00 Uhr,
Sonntag, 23.11.08 um 16:00 Uhr,
Samstag, 29.11.08 um 19:00 Uhr

kabel eins:
So. 16.11., um 7:30 Uhr


A little video of Franky thanking the fans from http://www.panik-franky.de

And photos:

Sorce: UPK.com


Do the Happy Dance. \:D/

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